One of our main concerns with our film was whether or not the non-linear storyline stopped it from feeling like an opening two minutes and made it feel more like a trailer. One of the main influences in our decision was Christopher Nolan's Inception, which started the film at the end, something we tried to emulate. We like this approach because it means the film itself has another layer and would keep the audience on their feet trying to work out what the turning point will be.

The audience feedback we received was very helpful as it gave us an outside opinion on what went well and what we can work on for future projects. We were told that although the nonlinear storyline was unconventional it worked well and that the music created a good tone for the on screen action. However in future we would need to work on the consistency of our lighting, camera steadiness and making sure to have enough people in scenes that should be crowded, such as the party scene. In doing this we would help create a more effective suspension of disbelief and also make the reality in which these characters live more believable.