How does your media product represent particular social groups?

A character who I would compare to Dylan in our opening is Major Henry West from 28 Days Later, because he is a dominant male character who originally seems friendly but later on reveals his true colours. They also both spend a lot of time in dark colour which could act as foreshadowing although in the case of West that is largely down to his millitary uniform. In tarms of appearance they have little in common apart from both being quite tall in comparison to the film's protagonists, this height difference works to make them seem more intimidating and turns the protagonist into more of an underdog.

 A character who I would compare to Jennifer is Shoshanna Dreyfuss from Inglourious Basterds, she is a character who part way through the film seems to snap in opposition to her antagonist, with violent results. They both are quite physically vulnerable and as a result use their surroundings to their advantage. They also both spend most of their scenes wearing quite plain clothing (with the exception of the final scene in Inglourious Basterds) which makes the seem unexceptionable thus making their later victory more unlikely and shocking or satisfying for the audience.