The editing software we used was Adobe Premiere, it was useful for cutting and editing shots. Which different features of the package did trail and what didn't work and what was effective in the post-production phase? We used the software to remedy the party shot in which we had the lighting too low and it was very effective. Another time we relied on the software was for the rewind, we did it entirely on Adobe Premiere by grouping the flashbacks together and reversing the time. We did originally have the titles in shot using Premiere however we felt it didn't work because it looked too messy so we switched to making them on photoshop.

What were the advantages and disadvantages of using the camera you chose.  Mention resolution and usability. One of the biggest advantages of using this camera was the high resolution of the video, it made the shots look more professional, especially the ones in the kitchen scene. It was also very easy to use most of the time, however it did sometimes have technical errors such as blurring shots when we didn't want it to meaning that we had to re-shoot some shots.

Did you use a tripod for some shots and not for others - why? We used a tripod for most of the shots to keep the camera steady and make it look professional. However we didn't use one for the first flashback as we wanted it to look purposefully unprofessional to give the impression of it being a home video. We did this by making the colour and picture quality lower and by having a more natural, shaky hand as a result of not using a tripod.
We also used youtube, both for the annotating in the evaluation and for uploading the video in the first place.
Blogger was our main page for our coursework, we uploaded all our research and planning onto here as well as our final film. This was useful because it allowed us to keep all our work in one place.